Welcome to Innovation at Scale, a weekly newsletter that talks about what underpins the successes - and failures - of corporate innovation.
Innovation at Scale is written by David McDougall (👋). I’m an independent consultant who helps large organizations build high-performing innovation teams and drive organizational change. I have worked with some of the world’s largest companies in industries including oil & gas, technical standards, media, education, and ecommerce. I’m based in London, with clients globally.
In the first few issues, I plan to lay out some terms and definitions to help us think more concretely about what corporate innovation is, and how to focus organizations on driving the right kind of change for their business. We’ll then quickly propose some models for success - and failure - in the specific challenges of innovation inside large organizations.
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I’d love to get your feedback there about anything we talk about in this newsletter. The best way to start this conversation is to reach out on Twitter at @dmcdougall.
You can find out a bit more about me at LinkedIn, or email me directly here.
In the meantime, tell your friends!